Keepers of the Earth Series is about the adventures of 14-year-old Angel and her friends, who come together under the leadership of a Native American biologist to form a Spirit Council, a group intended to protect the environment and fight species decline and extinctions. The ecoadventures in this series feature fantasy elements, thus Angel and the other teenagers have special abilities, affinities for elements of the earth, that they must learn to use to help the world. This series is loosely based on the legend of the Rainbow Warriors, mythology that is attributed to Native Americans, and which predicts that at a time when the Earth is in trouble and animal species are suffering, a group of people from various cultures will come together to fight problems. The Spirit Council in this series represents various cultural groups and future stories will add more. In addition to including real world environmental problems, Angel and the others must also fight opponents with magical abilities, whose greed is hurting our world.
Volume One, Black Heart, and Volume Two, Fire Moon, will be available March 2017. Check Books in Print or for more information.